inner knowings
last night i found myself in a cycle of self doubt and self criticism surrounding my deepest passions, wisdoms and abilities. feeling blocked in expression, for who am i to share what is immediately present to me? knowings that take the shape of thought, creation, movement, sensation, emotion, expression, play, stillness, awareness.
and my boyfriend said something that hit me so profoundly
he said
just start sharing what you know
start sharing and people will listen
my love, cornel west, said
writers are the vanguard of the human experience. they make objective and literate what is felt and experienced. we are attracted to objectifying our lived experience
call it creation, artistry, shakti expression, production, invention, sharing, formation, unfolding
one of our greatest abilities as these little creatures in our humanly bodies is externalizing what is internal to us
we as individuals harbor subjective wisdoms that are infinitely special because they are rooted in our unique phenomenological experience
our harbored knowledge is sacred.
equally so, our storytelling is sacred.
storytelling ensures intimate connection with people. the very act of sharing legitimizes our experience by making it external to the world, even if that world is just one pair of ears
rick rubin wrote the most stunning book, the creative act: a way of Being. i can’t begin to summarize the beauty in those 400 pages, but i can place a finger on one general theme. creation is letting ideas manifest themselves through you. and the product of that manifestation? whatever we make tangible to the world. taking our subjective learned experience and making it tangible, and therefore digestible, to others
“when making art, we create a mirror in which someone may see their own hidden reflection”
externalize what is internal to you
share what you know
that is the soulful self emptying. a sacred act of vulnerability and sacrifice that just might resonate and ignite someone else’s heart space
consider it an offering. a devotional act. share what you know